Monday, November 10, 2008

Decided to Write

Wow, so I have had so much on my mind lately and I am not going to get any long term breaks anytime soon.  College, Rachel, Friends, Film, Moorpark.  Every since I started working on Blood and Curry my life has been amazingly busy, if that even makes sense.  Leaving the project was hard but whenever I really think about it compromising my character for a movie isn't the way I want to break into the industry, better yet, ever do in the industry.  Rachel has been nothing but wonderful as usual, but I am worried about her.  She has a lot on her plate with school, work, and family stuff and I hope that stuff starts turning around for her soon.  Also, I am so worried about colleges, and that we go to colleges in the same general area.  If we don't it is going to be really hard, but I know we can make it. That goes for Amit and Ro too though, those two fuckers are my only Best Friends, which is for a reason, but if they go off to college I will kill half of California. It's hard having friends that are so good that you know you will be friends forever, and I guess even if they go off to college I can visit, still though shit.  I really think that Amit will get into UCLA, and Ro will be rocking USC. Anyway, Moorpark and all this College stuff is driving me insane too, no one ever has a straight answer. A lot of complaining and venting on this post but my life is still the shit! One Love...

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