Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday's are Relaxing

So its a sunday and as usual i don't have work, thanks to me be unavailable on them, and because of that i am going to get all of my homework done, clean my room, and figure out all of my work/movie stuff. I am working on a low-budget movie that actually turned into me working on three seperate films, which i am completely fine with, more set time is always awesome. So i have to get those dates for the movies and hopefully i will have already gotten out of apple, i really dont want to sacrifice working on a movie for apple. I also have three scripts that i really wanted to get shot this summer but it just never ended up happening. Amit starts school on Wednesday which means time for Assiduous is going to get cut down to about one to two days a week if I'm lucky. I also need to start organizing my college applications and figuring out which ones need scripts and which ones need supplemental essays. I still have not heard back from the internships and really hope that they get back to me on monday(tomorrow). And after all of that stuff that needs to be done today at least i have something to look forward to, I am going to church with my amazing Girlfriend Rachel and can't wait to see her tonight and then afterwards we will probly go do something.  O yea and her Mom, brother Nathan, and his wife Megan will be coming to church with us too! Well that about sums it up for today i will be back maybe tonight or tomorrow.

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